Beware of scams claiming a fake partnership with junca

Thank you for your continued support of our project.

We have received reports from junca Global officials that a stranger is falsely claiming a partnership with junca to raise funds and other activities.

As an example, we have also received a report that a stranger is falsely announcing an air-drop event that talks about junca.

All event announcements are sent out to the community from our official SNS accounts, and our official accounts will not send announcements to individual customers. Please be aware that entering personal information on unauthorized websites may lead to unauthorized purchases and payments by unintended third parties.

While junca Global will contact law enforcement agencies as soon as we discover any fraudulent activity, we ask that you take precautions to avoid becoming a victim of fraud as well.

If you find an unauthorized stranger talking about junca as described above, we would appreciate it if you could contact us at the dedicated e-mail address below.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. If you have any questions, please contact us.

2022, 9/26
junca Platform Project Management


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junca Platform Fan Group


junca Cash VP
junca Cash VP

junca platform project Identity
junca platform project Identity





