Cross border remittance crypto asset “junca Cash” Enhance Asian economy and realize world peace.
Today, the price of JCC is increasing again.
As we mentioned the other day, JCC has great potential.
Current price of JCC seems to be the best opportunity for purchasing.
In addition, the latest information stated below:
①We are developing JCC wallet, and it will be released within September.
Currently, it is in the final testing stage.
After release the wallet, you can download it from play store for Android devices and App store for Apple devices.
②Listing on CoinMarketCap
JCC will be listing on CoinMarketCap, which is the appraisal standard of worldwide project and improve the creditworthiness of coins, which is often used when you look at the evaluation of coins. We will release the information soon.
You can check CoinMarketCap website from this link.)
From the above schedule, we expect that JCC will get further attention at the end of September.
From the link which is junca Cash website, you can register an account on WBF or BiKi.
You can purchase junca Cash at WBF exchange or BiKi exchange.
Thank you for your continuous support.